Platform OverviewFeaturesProcessBenefits

Platform Overview

ZenDevX is a NoCode DevTool that enables web developers to create Web Apps and APIs without writing a single line of code, producing 100% error-free Source Code that can be deployed in the selected tech stack.

Single Platform to build web-apps and
Export Code in chosen tech-stack

Select Tech-stack in Project Configuration

Build Admin Panel faster

For mobile apps and dynamic websites, the admin panel or back-office panel enables users to modify dynamic content.

Build REST APIs in no-time

To communicate data between mobile applications and dynamic website content, you can develop APIs, or application programming interfaces.

Build Internal Apps easily

You can create shared, encrypted web apps using your manual or Excel-based business process data listing without investing more money.

Build SaaS Products for multi-customers

Software-as-a-Service, also known as SaaS, is a type of single web application designed for a particular firm that provides services to numerous subscribers.

Create ERP or CRM systems

Enterprise resource planning, or ERP, is a tool used by every firm to automate all phases of its business processes.

Create B2B or B2C portals for enterprises

Corporate portals that serve internal audiences, corporate partners, or lots of customers minimise manual interactions Learn more.


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+1 (415)-671-6167

Kavita Makwana

Customer success expert

Schedule a call with us to find out if we can help you!
+1 (415)-671-6167